30 Apr 2010

Day 120- A good start to end a long day

DAY 120 - Barbara and los efectos del agua loca

The last day. Thanks God.

Thanks for everything, especially for being just who you are. yourself, all the way through.


29 Apr 2010

DAY 119 - Perfectionists

Every single label applied strictly by hand.
And the tequila taste even better once you know it.

Day 119- El Rey

27 Apr 2010

Day 117- There's always light…

at the end of the tunel.

DAY 117 - 6:30 pm. Arandas, Jalisco.

Nothing better than a smoke, a tequila and cold beer after a day of work.
Myself, Cyrielle, and Gabriel.

24 Apr 2010

Day 114- A thousend doors

They say that when a door is closed 1000 get opened, and when you walk
through one door you're leaving behind 999, this is not to say that
you should be afraid or afraid or paranoid about the opportunites
you're leaving behind, just to remind you to not waste time in the
wrong door thinking that it will eventually lead you to where you're

21 Apr 2010

Day 111-I'm telling you

Try Adding some water!

Day 110- Use exclusively

ups, a day later

DAY 111 - Fight like a Brave

don't be a slave
no one can tell you
you've got to be afraid!

DAY 110 - Maldita sea Sharon.

19 Apr 2010

Day 109 - Sometimes you just need to add water

Your body is estimated to be about 60 to 70 percent water. Blood is mostly water, and your muscles, lungs, and brain all contain a lot of water. Your body needs water to regulate body temperature and to provide the means for nutrients to travel to all your organs. So have some water.

DAY 109 - Don't stop until you get enough.

18 Apr 2010

Day 108- Good Sunday

DAY 108 - Paths of Light, paths of Darkness

Every man must decide whether he will walk in the light of creative altruism or in the darkness of destructive selfishness.

- Martin Luther King, Jr. -

17 Apr 2010

Day 107- The informant

He's name is Fabian, and he could be one of the best informed guys on the city.

DAY 107 - Checa Wey!

Thanks to Indio's wife for her rich style.

15 Apr 2010

DAY 105 - Let me have a drink now..

... cause i cant be bother to follow my heart...jajajajaja

Day 105- Don't be afraid…

to follow your heart.

14 Apr 2010

DAY 104 - Is that clear enough?

Day 104- PC's surrender…

And we may spare, your miserable lives.

12 Apr 2010

Day 102- Plugin In

Day 101- Stand On Your Ideas But Flow With the Moment

DAY 102 - Falling down

Feigned insanity is the simulation of mental illness in order to avoid or lessen the consequences of a confrontation or conviction for an alleged crime.

11 Apr 2010

DAY 101 - Ulysses

Day 100- Waiting for the right moment


..let's just say that failing on day 100 it is not a nice thing..

10 Apr 2010

DAY 100 - Hundred Days to take this..

Or more.
Finally, the 4 meters wide window in our flat, now can count on a proper persiana..."sun in the house, 50 degrees inside" times are over.
Thanks god...and Domingo, our persiana man.

9 Apr 2010

8 Apr 2010

DAY 98 - Sun's laughing at you, today.

Day 98- 3 Years And Counting

It's been fun, has gone fast, had learn tons, and I could say I'm a
better person. Thanks for this time together and for the years to come.

7 Apr 2010

Day 97- Tequila tasting

I think she really likes it.

DAY 97 - Night Stalker

Night comes, lights down low. In his habitat now, here he comes.
Chasing his joy, tequila his drug. Be aware of the prophet.

6 Apr 2010

Day 96- Don't forget 2 look up

Sometimes the hurries of life usually makes us forget that there are 360 degrees around us.Rise your eyes or lower them, look left and look right, and you may be surprised by
things that are always there and we usually fail to see.

DAY 96 - Shameless Stef
