30 Jun 2010

Day 181- Missing the boots

DAY 181 - Milan, 1959

This picture's hanging in my parents home back in Milan.
The one in the photo in my mum, 7 years old posing next to my grandad bike.
We are in 1959.
My grandad was an ace.
R.I.P. Vito.

28 Jun 2010

27 Jun 2010

Day 178- Huguiño, Paquiño y Luisiño

A estos si les apostaba la felicidad del pais.

DAY 178 - Aperitif

25 Jun 2010

Day 176- One light

DAY 176 - Drinks are served

"RULES" Covent Garden, London.
An amazing restaurant and bar in the heart of the city, there since 1798.
You must got and try some of those martinis...

22 Jun 2010

18 Jun 2010

13 Jun 2010

Day 164- Listen to your elders

They had been around for a while, they might have learned something.

DAY 164 - Models, GUCCI, Mercedes Benzs : Knightsbridge stinks.

9 Jun 2010

Day 160- Night Walks

DAY 160 - Getting Ready

Day 159- When a storm…

Unplugs you from the matrix and makes it imposible to upload your
